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The News

Matt Mair Lowery, writer of the critically-acclaimed Scout Comics YA sci-fi series Lifeformed, announced today the release of the second issue of his widely-praised, self-published sci-fi anthology series, ThoughtScape Comics.

TSC #2 Cover Artist: Grim Wilkins (Mirenda, Prophet: Earth War)

ThoughtScape Comics, written by Mair Lowery, features art from a diverse, rotating roster of some of the most compelling artists in indie comics today. In the tradition of 2000 AD, Dark Horse Presents, Black Mirror and The Twilight Zone, the subject matter, style and tone of ThoughtScape Comics varies from story to story as Mair Lowery and his collaborators explore the strange possibilities and unique horrors that present themselves when flawed humanity meets the unlimited possibilities of technology.

Each 48-page issue of ThoughtScape features four stories: an installment of each of TSC’s two ongoing serials – "ThoughtScape 2319," drawn by artist Dave Law, and "Ex Post Facto: A Dash Varrick Misadventure," with art from Karl Slominski – and two self-contained short stories.

For issue #2, Matt also pulled writer/journalist George Pendle into the fold to help build out the ThoughtScape world. Pendle’s contributions appear in the comic’s ancillary material, which is delivered in the form of missives and announcements from LifeTech, the nefarious corporation at the center of the comic’s shared story universe.

“I’m stoked to get TSC #2 out into the world,” said Mair Lowery. “A huge part of doing this series was for me to grow as a writer by working with a wide variety of artists on stories of different tones and lengths, dealing with different topics and such, and in issue #2, I think that learning and progression really starts to show up. Folks will get to see Drones, one of the very first short stories I ever did (with glorious Tyrell Cannon art), right up against The Griever (with artist Jacob Edgar and colorist Lesley Atlansky), which is one of my most recent stories and is among my favorite things I’ve ever written, and one where I started to feel like I was really getting a handle on the short story format and using it to maximum effect. Plus, the second chapters of TS2319 and Dash Varrick are the first times I wrote for Dave and Karl knowing how they worked (after our initial collaborations in TSC #1). So, writing-wise, I got to lean into the magic that those guys are able to pull off after seeing how our first chapters turned out. And last but certainly not least, this time, George came in and contributed some outright hilarious work for the interior front and back covers. It’s wonderful to see someone else run with the world and concepts of ThoughtScape. Oh, whoops, I also didn’t yet mention that issue #2 has an incredible cover by Grim fucking Wilkins!”

Artists participating in ThoughtScape Comics have enjoyed the chance to flex new muscles on the project as well. “Thoughtscape 2319 really allows me to push my imagination into places I would have never thought to go,” said Dave Law. “The results embody what makes comics so magical for me and keeps me coming back to the drawing board.”

“There are few collections of creators willing to push themselves beyond the breach of sanity the way the talents involved in ThoughtScape do,” says "Ex Post Facto: A Dash Varrick Misadventure" artist Karl Slominski. “The level of mind-warping science fiction on display is what’s been missing in the comics landscape and it’s been a blast playing in the cosmic sandbox we’ve built.”

"Ex Post Facto: A Dash Varrick Misadventure," artist Karl Slominski

Mair Lowery hopes that backers and readers of issue #1 will find and continue to support ThoughtScape in this digital-only, independent web store release. “I love crowdfunding, but I also would love to see independent comics get to a place where they weren’t reliant on a single platform to survive. Purchasing directly from creators feels like a nice and easy way to make this a reality that would also let creators – most if not all of whom have full-time jobs and such not in comics – focus their free time on actually creating instead of campaigning (which is fun, but all-consuming).” Mair Lowery notes that proceeds from all sales go right back into making subsequent issues of TSC. “Issue #3 is about 70% complete, including a beautiful cover by Valentine Barker and stories featuring art from first-time TSC participants Jeremy Brooks (with Marcus Cripps on colors) and Desolina Fletcher, but we need some funds to get all the art wrapped up. My hope is that we can sell enough copies of #2 to cover those remaining #3 costs and get the next issue out by the fall.”


Release/Availability Info and Links

ThoughtScape Comics #2 is currently available in digital/PDF form and on sale at for $5. For a limited time, readers new to the series can pick up the digital bundle featuring both issue #1 and #2 for just $9, and issue #1 is also available in print at the site. Readers who enjoy behind-the-scenes process materials should check out the epic Process PDF zine for issue #1, which features over 100 pages of material related to the creation of ThoughtScape Comics #1, including script pages, test designs and images, art process, brand development and commentary.

Readers can get an additional 10% off their order through May 31st using the discount code 4DHGD1S.

Readers interested in additional behind-the-scenes content, or in further supporting ThoughtScape Comics, can subscribe to Nervous System, Mair Lowery’s Substack newsletter. Folks who sign up for one of the newsletter’s paid tiers will receive copies of all ThoughtScape Comics digital releases via email after signup.


ThoughtScape #2 Contents

ThoughtScape 2319, Part 2

Thought and Information Services Collection Officer Odessa Query faces off against the galaxy's most terrifying crime syndicate, The Fountainheads, as the inaugural arc of ThoughtScape Comics' ongoing flagship series "ThoughtScape 2319" continues.

Artist: Dave Law (The Space Odditorium, Paranoid American History, Wrong Magnetic Poles, Hot Dog Water)

The Griever

The Griever

A husband fixes one last cocktail - with a twist - for his terminally ill wife.

Artist: Jacob Edgar (Alter Ego, Batman: The Audio Adventures, Army of Darkness)

Color Artist: Lesley Atlansky (Short Order Crooks, Amazing World of Gumball)


Ace pilot Jerry wages war on an alien race... from his cubicle halfway across the galaxy.

Artist + Letterer: Tyrell Cannon (Victus, Eris, Beef Bros.)

Ex Post Facto: A Dash Varrick Misadventure, Part 2

A bit of a revolutionary (maybe), a bit private investigator (possibly), tormented Dash Varrick travels across thought and time to unravel unsolved crimes and the mysteries of his own strange past. Or does he? The second ongoing ThoughtScape Comics series continues as Dash flees the cops and his own extracted, sentient organs.

Artist: Karl Slominski (Cult of Icarus, Evermore Falls, Lady Mayhem)

TSC #2 Cover Artist: Grim Wilkins (Mirenda, Prophet: Earth War)

Contributing Writer: George Pendle (Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons)



This second issue follows the Kickstarter campaign/release for the first issue of ThoughtScape Comics, which raised over $9,000 in 2021. TSC #1 also features art from Dave Law, Karl Slominski and Tyrell Cannon, as well as a story with artist Lisa Naffziger and a cover by Jenna Cha.

ThoughtScape Comics has been praised by creators and press alike:

"A beautifully designed high-concept cornucopia, full of playful layouts and innovative art."

- Liam Sharp: Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, 2000 AD

“Think Promethea meets Black Mirror... For any lovers of high concept science fiction and masterful comics craft, this book is a must-read.”

- The Comic Book Yeti

“A kaleidoscopic mind fuck... It’s beautiful... This isn’t just a science fiction anthology; no, it’s a love affair with the genre.”

- Blake’s Buzz

"ThoughtScape captures the dread of humanhood and the insidious nature of technocapitalism -- masterfully crafted as it is emotionally raw and daring." - Shoshana Sachi: Producer/Writer, Doom Patrol (HBO Max)

"ThoughtScape Comics is the quintessential, beautifully packaged and expertly made serialized sci-fi anthology that comics needs right now."

- Liana Kangas: Trve Kvlt, She Said Destroy, Black AF: Devil's Dye

“These stories are emotional, gritty, chilling, thought-provoking”

- You Promised Me Comics

"Fantastic, artistically diverse and engaging stories of a cool far future world, all tied together with prodigious panache by writer Matt Mair Lowery."

- Farel Dalrymple: THE OFTEN WRONG, Proxima Centauri, Pop Gun War, The Wrenchies

“A wild and ambitious head-trip of narratives and styles, THOUGHTSCAPE COMICS is an anarchic sci-fi mosh pit in the grand tradition of 2000 AD.”

- David Pepose: Spencer & Locke, Scout's Honor, The O.Z.

“A brilliant and beautiful distillation of the best things in both sci-fi short stories and comics! ThoughtScape Comics is as captivating as it is haunting..."

- Ryan K Lindsay: Everfrost, Eternal, Deer Editor

"Packed full of great ideas, fascinating world-building and enigmatic characters who we can’t wait to find out more about... a really rather superb read."

- Pipedream Comics


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