Writer: Ryan K Lindsay Art: Owen Gieni Publisher: Dark Horse

A fun, monster-based horror-comedy in the vein of Cabin in the Woods and a little Mass Effect 2.
Fans of offbeat, dark humor will definitely enjoy this one.
(Minor Spoilers)
There are monsters hiding in the depths of the sea, and they're addicted to human tragedy and misery.
These horrible creatures, pictured on the cover here, are called the Evorah, and there's an entire megacorporation that exists solely to manufacture human sadness to keep these creatures' needs met. They're not doing it out of the unkindness of their hearts, but to stop the Evorah from rampaging and killing everyone if they don't get their share of misery.
You can thank this corporation for Van Gogh, Cobain and probably the 2016 election. Now, they're after a guy named Guy. He's a writer, a powerful empath, and he's suicidally depressed. To keep the Evorah at bay, the corporation sets out to ruin Guy's day, pushing him over the edge.
But hope might not be lost just yet for Guy. But how can one man stand against an entire corporation and a sea of monsters?
Ryan K Lindsay balances dark, tongue-in-cheek humor with moments of crushing tragedy for a monster-filled, action-packed adventure that's a lot of fun and a little heartbreaking
The characters all feel unique, with their own voices, and well-developed
Beta is THE BEST
I love the idea that all of the world's negativity (or most of it) is manufactured to satisfy monsters by a whole corporation of evil people who still find a way to justify their actions
Brings up a whole lot of ethical questions about cost of life vs. emotional trauma, and the idea of "The Greater Good"
I'm a big fan of Owen Gieni's unique style, and the dark watercolor aesthetic pairs well with a darkly emotional story filled with water-based monsters
So much is contained in these few issues -- it's very fast-paced
The creators tell a complete story in just a few issues, so you don't have to find time in your busy schedule for a new ongoing title
Love how the dividers for each chapter highlight a different person's tragedy, and how it was manufactured to placate the Evorah
I feel like this might be a great book for people with depression, but I could also see how it might be triggering for people who may be trying to fight their depression
Not everyone loves dark humor, I suppose?

Negative Space is filled with humor, emotion, humanity, tragedy, adventure and terror...a roller coaster in every way. Fans of monster horror, stories about depression, or anyone who enjoys dark humor will love this story.
If you like the writing:
Eternal by Ryan K Lindsay & Eric Zawadzki
Transmetropolitan, Vol. 1 by Warren Ellis & Darick Robertston
Heart in a Box by Kelly Thompson & Meredith McClaren
If you like the art:
Manifest Destiny, Vol. 1 by Chris Dingess, Matthew Roberts & Owen Gieni
Rat Queens, Vol. 4 by Kurtis J Wiebe & Owen Gieni
Harrow County, Vol. 1 by Cullen Bunn & Tyler Crook
Ryan K Lindsay – Writer
Multitalented: Works as a teacher and creates comic book study guides to help teach people about comics
Hosts free comics and other writings on his site
Outlander: Lives in Australia
Owen Gieni – Artist
Outlander: Lives in Canada
Tends to opt for a tight watercolor aesthetic in his work (see image on right)
Ryan Ferrier – Letterer
Multitalented: Also works as a comic writer
He's also an amateur aficionado of horror films, tattoos, black coffee, hardcore music, professional wrestling, and famous war animals
Outlander: Hails from Canada
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