From editors Michele Abounader and Brent Fisher, comes Sharp Wit & the Company of Women (SWATCOW), a multi-genre comic anthology featuring creators who all identify as members of the LGBTQIA+ community. This 150+ page comic anthology about women with weapons will include 19 original stories about the strength, power and agency of women. The project's Kickstarter campaign page (via will be live as of September 27th at 12:00pm EST.

The 19 story teams include some of the most invigorating queer-identifying talent in comics today. In supporting this anthology, backers will be directly supporting the efforts of creators that span spectrums of sexuality and gender identity. The campaign will also feature several reward items including cover art prints by Tula Lotay, and additional art prints by Elisa Romboli and Natasha Alterici.

Creative Team:
Jadzia Axelrod
Rye Hickman
Skylar Patridge
Danny Lore
Justin Richards
Liana Kangas
Fell Hound
Michele Abounader
Tench (Aleksandra Orekhova)
Brent Fisher
Rachel Distler
Joe Corallo
Eva Cabrera
Chris Mole
Lauren Knight
Laura Jones
C.R. Fahey
Keith Frady
Sarah Stern
Ari Pluchinsky
Sam Bowen
Julia Paiewonsky
Gabe Martini
Fiona Creates
A. James
Lillian Hochwender
Filipa Catalao Coelho
Alina Wahab
Katee Brown
Elisabeth Mkheidze
Kamiab Ghorbanpour
Casper Manning
Featuring cover art by Tula Lotay

“Beyond the obvious appeal of women with weapons, this anthology has so much heart at its core. We are incredibly proud to be releasing this book, especially alongside our amazing team of creators.” (Michele Abounader)
“The rights of women are being eroded by virulent patriarchy. Now, more than ever, we need stories that illustrate women with strength and agency.” (Brent Fisher)

About Extra Pages Press – Founded in 2022 by Michele Abounader and Brent Fisher, EPP is a means to curate comics by LGBTQIA+ creators, and to provide opportunity while lifting their voices. Their first anthology, The Color of Always, raised $39k on Kickstarter in late 2021. On September 22nd, 2022, comics publisher A Wave Blue World announced that they will be distributing a second print run of The Color of Always to comic and book shops worldwide in 2023. More info can be found at
(And scroll down for a little something spicy!)